For another of the occasional glimpses we get of the Obama campaign’s comprehensive effort to re-energize his 2008 online supporters, check out this article from The Times, which came out right before I ran off to Austin for SXSW: With a...
Be sure to head on over to the Campaigns & Elections site for the latest edition of Technology Bytes. On the menu this issue? Profiles of three interesting tools campaigns can use to organize and mobilize volunteers, two of which have social...
Today’s South By Southwest Interactive discussion on the Occupy movement as citizen journalism should be fascinating: I’m looking forward to a terrific discussion with Priscilla Grim, Kira Annika, Charles Wyble and Boyd Carter. Check out...
Wow, here’s a striking number from Kate Kaye at ClickZ: Online ad spending by President Obama’s reelection campaign has reached over $8 million. When combined with web ad spending by the Democratic National Committee, the number tops the...
Also published on HuffingtonPost Even as talk of a brokered Republican convention refuses to fade even after Romney’s Arizona and Michigan victories, you can see evidence of the profound advantage the Republicans would give the Obama campaign...
As Michigan and Arizona voters head to the polls to choose a Republican presidential candidate, the folks at Daily Kos hope that at least a few liberals will be among them. Why? Because they’ll vote for Rick Santorum, of course — that...
Breaking news as I write this: in the face of a massive backlash, the Susan G. Komen Foundation has reversed its decision to cut funding to Planned Parenthood. What happened? Komen ran into the power of citizen-activism, for one thing. Did the...
With the last “permanent” Occupy encampments in DC and Oakland beseiged, the first chapter of the Occupy movement seems to be closing. Will there be another, and if not, is that a bad thing? First, let’s think about what the...
Also published on HuffingtonPost This week’s news that Obama’s 2012 campaign has already assembled a powerful army of small online donors — more than a million people have given him money so far, only half of whom did so in 2008...
Update: Charles Lenchner sends over an overview of recent Occupy-related technology, and c.f. the earlier roundup. Update II: Occupy Healthcare: Swapping Tents for Online Advocacy. Update III: Check out James Fallows’ excellent...