Dave Leichtman is the Democratic Strategist for Microsoft’s Campaign Tech Services and the Vice-chair for Tech of the Democratic Party of Virginia. Read Dave’s previous work on Epolitics.com. As Colin noted last week, much hay has been...
“Mommy, where were you during the Great Email Deluge of 2014?” Democratic email fundraising may not quite have reached the level of a Global Catastrophe yesterday, but it sure as hell got talked about: I heard an earful at a NARAL...
The traditional U.S. electoral dynamic: Republicans have the money, Democrats have the ground game. This year’s mid-term elections, though, are starting to look more like 2008’s presidential race, where Democrats had the money AND the...
By now most of you will have seen the latest nonprofit fundraising effort to catch the moment and ride a wave of attention, the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. Some recent stories in the mainsteam media have blasted this particular effort, but for those...
New guest author! Allyson Goldsmith is currently the Online Communications Manager at NOW, where she’s preparing for a year-end fundraising push. Today she brings us some good advice on that always-popular topic. And, be sure to follow her on...
Revamping an online advocacy operation can be a major undertaking, but most of us can still benefit from a few minutes spent thinking about the basics. In that vein, below are ten things you can do today that should help you get the most out of...
Epolitics.com contributor Jesse Bacon follows up on his earlier post about email acquisition with some insight into a key question: which acquisition channels yield the best donors? This piece also appeared on the PowerThru Consulting blog. Drew...
The Usual Suspects moved quickly as news spread of Eric Cantor’s sudden fall in Tuesday’s primary election: my inbox filled fast with fundraising messages from the Democratic party committees, outside political funding groups, individual...
With the year-end online fundraising blitz still in full effect, let’s look at a clever way to hijack the lists of some of those groups now filling our email inboxes to the brim. I don’t remember who taught me this one (I think I heard...
2013 is damn near done, but the 2013 fundraising season sure isn’t: I received six emails this morning alone from Democratic party committees and individual candidates, plus a couple of messages from nonprofits (on top of a slew of others late...