Jeanette Russell’s post originally appeared on the blog. Social listening gives organizations unprecedented insight into their donors’ lives and an opportunity for richer engagement through personalization. Far beyond...
Regular contributor and digital Laura Packard (of PowerThru Consulting) is back with us, this time to help you survive the onslaught of cell phones and other mobile devices. Did your website survive Mobilegeddon? What should you be...
Regular contributor and online fundraising pro Laura Packard joins us again with some key best practices to help you optimize your digital giving campaigns. Laura and her PowerThru Consulting colleagues have learned these lessons...
We in the online advocacy business are no strangers to asking for money online — and whether you write fundraising appeals yourself or not, your inbox probably clogs up every day with email appeals from clients, competitors and other...
Provocative title, eh? Here’s what I’m getting at: in a Citizens United world, one in which individual wealthy people can poor billions of dollars into our political process at will, digital campaigners (particularly on the Left) feel...
On Monday, the Times’s Derek Willis wrote up a fascinating Facebook experiment in multi-channel fundraising. The goal? To show if Facebook ads could increase donations from a political campaign’s email list. The method: Have two...
Ruy Teixeira (co-author of “The Emerging Democratic Majority”” laid out a great description of the Democratic strategy in the 2014 elections at an event last month: he called it an “experiment in agendaless mobilization...
On Giving Tuesday, let’s look back at Allyson Goldsmith’s guide to planning year-end fundraising for an advocacy group or nonprofit…first published back in August. Procrastinators, You still have time! I just got brought in to...
Webinar reminder! Ticket sales end at 1 PM Thursday, so don’t miss out. We’ll see you Thursday. Year-End Online Fundraising: What You Need to Know (Webinar) When: October 30th, 2:00-3:15pm (Eastern) Presenter: Colin Delany,
New webinar! And a topic that’s always timely as Autumn sets in. I hope you can join, and please spread the word to anyone who might be interested. Year-End Online Fundraising: What You Need to Know (Webinar) When: October 30th...