Also published on The Huffington Post and techPresident In Saturday’s AMP Summit panel discussion on effective online campaigning, fellow online politics old-timer Chris Casey made a great observation: politics may still be local, but...
Here’s one of the more interesting applications that’s come across the e.politics desktop this week — a company called is promoting technology that allows people to donate their Facebook status and Twitter feed to a...
Also published on The Huffington Post and techPresident Hell of a political year so far, eh? The Tea Party Express just ran over its second establishment Republican in the past few weeks, and since Delaware’s victorious Christine...
Here’s a little something to check out if you have an ear free at 3 pm Eastern: Karen Jagoda’s Digital Politics Show will be covering late-race online fundraising and Get Out The Vote efforts with AOL’s Rena Shapiro (who I have on...
Reports of indictments against two Republican big donors may be breaking news this morning, but details of their political contributions are nothing new online: According to the Washington Post, “The SEC has charged Samuel Wyly and Charles...
While I was doing a little research for an old client who wants to set up online fundraising for a PAC he’s involved with, Sean Powell pointed out a great article from Idealware that goes through plenty of cheap and/or easy options for...
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Well, of the summer. Well, of the summer fundraising season. Okay fine — maybe it’s not that wonderful a time at all, but it’s certainly interesting, at least if you’re into...
If Rep. Joe Barton’s apology to BP CEO Tony Hayward was “a political gift” to Democrats, as Rahm Emmanuel put it, the Dems are working to make sure that it’s a financial gift — and one that keeps on giving. After...
Well, in a sense — fundraising via SMS is still difficult, despite its success around the Haiti earthquake earlier this year, but a piece of techology called Square (developed by one of the founders of Twitter) physically plugs into a cell...
Wow, here’s a sign that online political fundraising has gone full-on mainstream: Democratic campaign finance website ActBlue announced today that it’s reached the impressive total of 1,000,000 individual donations (an excuse for a...