Hi y’all, your editor was a bit under the weather a week or two back and almost let three good stories slip through the cracks. Never fear — they’re brought back from the dead below, appropriately enough on the night before...
Update: See Kevin Bondelli’s reponse, #ColinDelanyIsRight About Hashtags. And, note that the original article turned ME into a hashtag. For an example of how the online communications ground is constantly changing under candidates’ feet...
Here’s something to check out: a former anti-gay-marriage activist is accusing the National Organization for Marriage of shady dealings on the internets, claiming that the organization formed a “SWAT team” of social media...
This in earlier today from social media firm PeekYou, whose PR people definite know how to get on top of a breaking story: the news that Newt may have fudged his Twitter following just a tad. If you’ve missed out on the fun so far, Gawker...
Earlier this weekend Eli Pariser linked to one of the funniest damn things I’ve seen in a while: a brilliant parody of erstwhile Republican Congressmember Jane Corwin’s campaign website. JaneCorwin.ORG (the fake) mimics JaneCorwin.COM...
This just in from a good friend and progressive activist: gop has a new hashtag going #hcrcostsjobs you know what to do right? 🙂 Translation: Republicans are trying to hype the idea the health care reform is a job-killer, and they’re employing...
A message just flitted across an online politics listserv that illustrates a new form of political dirty tricks: using Facebook’s reporting system to mark your opponents’ information as spam. Someone wrote in to report that staff from...
Advocacy groups, beware: Facebook may not be as welcoming a venue for online activism as you expect: As the number of Facebook members signed up for the “Boycott Target Until They Cease Funding Anti-Gay Politics” page neared 78,000 in...
If you are an Iranian in Tehran, you might have received a text message recently similar to this one: “Dear citizen, you have been tricked by the foreign media and you are working on their behalf,” the message read. “If you do this...
Just on The Colbert Report: “…I want you to go to Conservapedia and make me a Biblical figure…” What’s up? The Conservative “answer” to Wikipedia has decided to use crowdsourcing to combat “Liberal...