Tons o’ good stuff stacked up during the Online Politics 101 frenzy, so let’s split today’s Quick Hits into a domestic and an international edition. Egypt Protester Holds Facebook ‘Thank You’ Sign (photo). Twitter Says...
Tons o’ good stuff stacked up during the Online Politics 101 frenzy, so let’s split today’s Quick Hits into a domestic and an international edition. New Study On Congressional Staffers’ Attitudes Towards Citizen Advocacy. C.f...
A last look at 2010 — deploy your rear-view mirrors before reading. Blue State Digital Bought by WPP. That’s the press release; see also the Sky News blog post that broke the story. Next, read Nancy Scola’s Interview: Jascha...
The return of Quick Hits! NOW you know it’s serious… Chris Hughes’ Jumo: A Social Network for the Social Sector, which generated A Lot of skepticism among those of us who, like, do this for a living. See First Reflections on Jumo...
Wrapping up September’s remaining stories in one elegant package. Update: How a handful of liberal bloggers are bringing down the Obama presidency. E.pol sez, if bloggers are that important, I want a raise. C.f. White House scorecard: MSNBC...
Weed! Cats! Craigslist sex at the Beck rally! What could it be but A Very Special pre-holiday beach-reading edition of Quick Hits. Glenn Beck launches conservative news site, and With “The Blaze,” Beck Promises Journalism...
E=mc2? Not on Conservapedia. How to raise funds for your nonprofit using social media. Note extensive E.pol quotes. New list of politicians’ social media channels. Social networking sites gain clout in campaigns, with politicians using social...
Extra-large Friday the 13th edition. Why 2010 State Legislative Races are Key, and With 2012 (and redistricting) in Mind, Parties Focus on Governorships. “A Series Of Tubes” Pays Tribute To Former Senator Ted Stevens. C.f. Unfortunate...
Update: Shirley Sherrod To Sue Blogger Andrew Breitbart Over Doctored Video. Update: The American Auto Industry: A Comeback Story, told with a map. Update: Rules of enragement: the filibuster and Senate reform (Grist creates an information center)...
Special straight-outta-Netroots Nation edition, brought to you from Las Vegas — a land of sensory overload and curiously banal excess. How the Internet Organizes the Unemployed. Sarah Palin, Paper Grizzly. Who watched her video? People who...