The Rise of the Geek Lobby: Can Google, Facebook, tech wonks, and Web activists kill the Stop Online Piracy Act? Apparently, yes: Digital mutiny sinks piracy bill. Perry Looks to Lasso Cain Supporters with Facebook Ads, while Newt Gingrich’s...
The Quick Hits of Autumn are the sweetest, tinged with the quiet regret of a dying year. Video: DNC Attacks Mitt Romney in Hollywood-Style Ad, heavily promoting (an earlier version of which was reviewed here). C.f. Did We Just Get A...
With final assembly taking place to Houses of the Holy and then some Muddy Waters, sitting at a table on the front porch of Dos Gringos on Mt Pleasant Street as afternoon thunder and lightning rolled through…DC in the late, slow summertime...
More-frequent Quick Hits publishing = portion control. Perry announces for president at a conservative blogger gathering. Meanwhile, Texas Democrats Suit Up to counter him online, and Googlers wonder if he’s gay. Finally, will he be an...
Because too much is never enough. Email suggests Perry “Poised to Enter” Presidential Race. Meanwhile, Gov. Perry Tweets About Meeting Khalilzad and Rick Perry Implores Conservatives To Follow Him On ‘Tweeter’. NationalField:...
So THAT’S what a month’s worth of Quick Hits looks like. Gingrich to announce for president via Facebook and Twitter. Update: An appropriate response. Understanding the Staggering Spread of Keith Urbahn’s bin Laden Tweet and Bin...
Now blooming: the first Quick Hits of spring. Obama reelection announcement will be a digital extravaganza (Update: it was). Also note the possibility of a big Dem independent expenditure group forming. Update: C.f. What Obama’s re-election...
The Facebook Freedom Fighter: Wael Ghonim’s day job was at Google. But at night he was organizing a revolution. C.f. video of his TED presentation. Tech Revolutionaries: The Arab Revolt shows that Google’s and Twitter’s corporate...
See also the recent list of articles relevant to the internet’s role in Egypt, Tunisia and the general unrest in the Arab world. Blogs Wane as the Young Drift to Sites Like Twitter. Bogus trend piece alert! An article whose content contradicts...
This week’s theme: A Farewell to Mubarak. Digital revolutionaries change Arab region, via @alvarolins, and Social Media Networks & Opposition Politics in Egypt. Plus, Anatomy of a revolution: Meet the young Egyptian activists who started...