Quick Hits returns, well rested and ready to rock. Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Page Slam ‘Outrageous’ PRISM Reports, C’mon folks — THEY get to use our data for their own purposes. White House, House GOP trade three-word barbs over...
Because too much digital politics is never enough. Update: Disgruntled Republicans Livetweet Obama’s Closed-Door Speech. Obama to Huddle With Organizing for Action Group today. Meanwhile, New Obama Nonprofit Worries Some Democratic Leaders...
Step One in an e.pol publishing revival: clear the Quick Hits queue. Let’s get ready to rumble. Marco Rubio’s water grab becomes the talk of Twitter and social media, as Sen. Marco Rubio’s mid-speech water gulp goes viral on...
An Epolitics.com Christmas present: lots of fantastic reading on the 2012 digital campaign. C.f. our earlier post-election Quick Hits, and also today’s Quick Hits Advocacy Edition. When the Nerds Go Marching In. Fantastic look at the Obama...
So much online politics goodness has built up since our last Quick Hits, we had to have two of them today. The list below has an advocacy/marketing slant; c.f. today’s Quick Hits Campaign 2012 Edition for terrific resources on the Obama and...
Fan fave Quick Hits returns, this time rounding up some of the best post-election analysis of the digital campaign. Note the great coverage from Slate.com in particular, but there’s plenty of excellent reading below. A Vast Left-Wing...
For 2012 Presidential Debates, Campaigns Speed Up The Spin. For good reason: Risk of gaffes heightened in age of Twitter. Post-Debate, Obama Attacks Swiftly on Twitter, Jabs Romney on Swing Sites. C.f. Debate online rapid response in action...
Quick Hits returns! Twitter Deputizes Millions of Pundits During Political Conventions. C.f. Postcards From the Parallel Universe in Real Time and Obama’s DNC speech sets new political record on Twitter. Google searches for “register to...
With a certain ebook out of the way, let’s revive the fine tradition of Epolitics.com Quick Hits. “Back from the dead on Easter” jokes are up to you. Hope 2.0: Inside Obama’s Campaign, and Obama 2012: Built to Broadcast...
Your holiday reading list, no unwrapping required. Obama tops among Tweeters, via K Street Cafe. Plus, With #40Dollars Push, White House Cracks a Twitter Engagement Code. Update: Inside the White House’s Twitter blitz on payroll tax, via...