Multiple GOP SOTU responses: a canny “narrowcasting” technique? Key quote: “a YouTube response sent directly to people who already support Paul is mainly about energizing and expanding his list.” Also note: “a good list...
First Quick Hits of 2014! Now that a long queue is cleared, these roundups will move to Fridays again. ElectionMall’s Ravi Singh is Probably Going to Jail. An online petition and a Twitter campaign break up a beautiful friendship between...
Busy week here in the e.politics bunker! Let’s end it with a fine set of Quick Hits. Facebook rolls out Donate button. “Gee thanks,†sigh charities. C.f. details about the program and Facebook’s New Donate Button: Good or Bad for...
Pre-RootsCamp, let’s clear the decks for action. Why Are Upworthy Headlines Suddenly Everywhere?. C.f. Why Everyone Will Totally Read This Column: A Gawker Editor Tells How He Picks ‘Viral’ Content Readers Can’t Resist...
Obama ‘12 vets to share some, not all, data with the rest of the Left. Also check out: Groups Mobilize to Aid Democrats in ’14 Data Arms Race. Politico’s Mike Allen, native advertising pioneer and Can K Street Buy Mike Allen? No wonder he...
Quick Hits returns! Get your fix of The Best Damn Internet Politics Reading List In The Known UniverseTM. UK Conservative party deletes archive of speeches from internet. Irony alert! “Decade’s worth of records is erased, including...
In this issue, a post-#shutdown version of The Good, The Bad and the Stinky. From the Start, Signs of Trouble at Health Portal. Oof: The Obamacare Website Could Stay Broken for a While as Quixotic Queries Question Quality! (At, the...
A little more politics and a little less digital than usual this week, but a ton of good reading nonetheless. Enjoy. Healthcare.Gov’s Flaws Found, Fixes Eyed: Site’s Design Opened Door to Bottleneck That Persists. Architecture problems...
Now published on Fridays — the best damn digital politics and advocacy reading list around. Send article suggestions to The Shutdown’s Data Blackout, as Federal Twitter accounts go dark. Democrats Mull Divulging Emails...
[Man, these got out of hand! But now that the extensive queue is empty, let’s start running Quick Hits weekly. Look for them on Fridays from here on out…as always, Lord willin’ and the creek don’t rise.] The Militant Group...