The latest essential reading for online politicos and advocates. After historic ruling on gay marriage, social media gets colorful. Hillary Clinton’s digital director: Social media is now ‘ubiquitous’. C.f. How Hillary Clinton Got...
Quick Hits is back! Let’s clear the queue with a campaign-heavy (and social media-focused) catch-up edition. Enjoy. N.Y. Times blocks access to homepage for staff, to highlight importance of mobile. Hillary Clinton just ceded her Twitter...
Consulting work has conquered the e.politics bunker of late, but let’s kickstart the publishing schedule with the best digital politics reading list on Earth. The Permanent Campaign’s Desperate, Hungry, and Uncouth Hunt for Cash. Can...
How a Ragtag Band of Activists Won the Battle for Net Neutrality . Jeb Bush’s new web chief scrambles to erase embarrassing tweets about gays and women. Also, hateful, rude, etc., and c.f. Jeb Bush’s New Chief Of Tech Has Female Trouble:...
Koch Brothers Will Spend $889 Million on 2016, as Clinton plans to astound, intimidate with fundraising ‘like nothing you’ve seen’. Not surprsingly, A Massive Wave of Secret Money Is Coming. Supporters say Clinton developing...
Bush Announces Formation of PAC, via cell phone, video and Instagram. C.f. Leader of the PAC: Jeb Bush moves a step closer to announcing his 2016 presidential bid—and keeping his promise of running a very different campaign. But apparently, Jeb...
Enough good reading about internet politics and advocacy to keep us busy until the New Year’s hangovers fade. [Image: Deep Impact probe comet collision. Boom!] The Kochs eclipse the RNC: Meet the guys behind the right’s best data shop...
How the GOP used Twitter to stretch election laws. Illegal coordination via anonymous Twitter accounts? More: GOP Operatives Use Twitter To Hide In Plain Sight. How Facebook plans to become one of the most powerful tools in politics. C.f. Facebook...
For Democrats, Turnout Efforts Look Successful (Though Not Elections). State-by-state comparison shows the results, but Dems still lost. C.f. DCCC Touts Historic Fundraising, Advertising. Only problem: that whole “winning” thing. How Big...
For Charlie Baker, data is key in bid for undecideds: GOP banking on voter details in Massachusetts. C.f. GOP Works to Improve Targeting of Voters and The Most Tech-Savvy Candidate Running for Statewide Office This Year is a Republican. But also...