Quick Hits

A quick roundup of stories related to digital politics and online advocacy.

Quick Hits — December 18, 2006

Extra-long weekend catch-up edition. EVERYBODY’S writing about Time’s choice of you (i.e., Web 2.0, participatory media, etc.) as Man of the Year. Thanks for noticing, MSM guys. Welcome to the party. Advocacy Tools You Need, Like a Fish...

Quick Hits — December 15, 2006

Top YouTube Videos. Todd at The Bivings Report collects several of the best and (unlike the AP) actually shows them to us. Lonelygirl meets Macaca on a Lazy Sunday afternoon… DeLay’s Missteps Still Haunting GOP. Check out some of the...

Quick Hits — December 14, 2006

Web 2.0 edition. Jaxtr Widget Lets Social Networkers Chat On Real Live Phones. TechCrunch writes up a new widget that connects your phone to your social networking profile and lets people call you through the site without you (or the caller) having...

Quick Hits — December 11, 2006

Adults Just Don’t Get the Instant Message. The Seattle Post-Intelligencer writes up a poll (not the first) that shows that younger folks are using IM as a replacement for email. Response #1: Whither email advocacy? Response #2: Damn kids, get...

Quick Hits — December 4, 2006

Election 2006: People Powered Politics. MoveOn lets us know what you can do if you have 3.2 million motivatived volunteers. Turns out, a lot. Via Democracy in Action. In Personal Democracy Forum, Josh Levy has three reports from this past...

Quick Hits — November 30, 2006

How-to site edition. Hiding in Plain Sight. Democracy In Action’s Jason Z. talks about the extent to which readers skim and filter our information — complete with a groovy eyeball route map over a typical newsletter. Link Building...

Quick Hits — November 29, 2006

2008 Candidates Search Web for Next New Thing. Writing in The Hill, Jonathan E. Kaplan gives a solid overview of social networking, YouTube and other new political tools. One nice twist — measuring and rewarding supporters’ online zeal. A...

Quick Hits — November 20, 2006

Catching-up-with-the-blogs edition. Credit Where Due To The Netroots. National Journal’s Beltway Blogroll reports on Republican campaign folks giving props to lefty bloggers for Webb’s victory in Virginia and for adding to the...

Quick Hits — November 19, 2006

Think piece edition! The New World, the Rise of the New Culture of Participation. Futurist Jamais Cascio examines the potential of social media and other open source and participatory technologies to leverage the collective intelligence of the...

Quick Hits — November 14, 2006

Post-election, back-to-our-normal-lives edition. Two events this week: Idealware is hosting an online seminar tomorrow to compare open source content management systems Joomla, Drupal, and Plone (nerd alert!), and Alan Rosenblatt’s Internet...