We don’t know how the Georgia Senate runoffs will go next week, but we already know a lot about American politics in the next two years. The Democrats are easy: Joe Biden will do his earnest best but fail the test of ruthlessness, while the...
Not quite weekly yet, but catching up. In this edition: 56 excellent stories related to digital politics and advocacy. Joe Biden’s campaign plans a $280 million ad campaign for the final three months of the presidential race. Includes $60...
This list got completely out of hand this time, so I’ll try to do these weekly until the election. Note: I included only a sampling of the available “public figure posts horrible thing on social media” stories, so multiply each of...
In this edition: 74 good stories related to digital politics and advocacy. For more on campaigning and advocating during the coronavirus pandemic, see this preview of the upcoming 2020 edition of How to Use the Internet to Change the World –...
In this edition: 73 good stories related to digital politics and advocacy. How do you mobilize people during a pandemic? C.f. How To Connect With Audiences Sheltering In Place. Guide: Political Campaigning in the Time of Social Distancing. As...
Quick Hits returns! In this edition: 75 excellent stories related to digital politics and advocacy. The Billion-Dollar Disinformation Campaign to Reelect the President. “Scholars have a name for this: censorship through noise”. A multi...
Fifty-one good stories about digital politics and advocacy. Biden spends $1.4 million on digital ads in less than 2 weeks. Covers Google, Facebook and Twitter, and has a good comparison chart. C.f Billionaire digital ad wars, which includes Trump...
Sixty-six excellent stories about digital politics, advocacy and bad behavior. Russia’s Pro-Trump Disinformation Campaign Used Every Major Social Media Platform. C.f. How Russia Hacked U.S. Politics With Instagram Marketing. Congress Now Has a...
Good stories from the past few weeks. Town hall? 120 people. Live-streamed chicken dinner? 257,000 views on Facebook. “Democratic strategists say the quest to capture the attention of Democrats online, through social streams and viral sharing...
Halloween’s long over, but we still have plenty of dark stories to tell in this pre-election edition of Quick Hits: No One Is Buying More Political Ads on Facebook Right Now Than Beto O’Rourke. Lots and lots of fundraising ads out of state...