Quick Hits

A quick roundup of stories related to digital politics and online advocacy.

Quick Hits — April 10, 2007

I just caught Susan Finkelpearl cheating on us with Democracy in Action! Moreover, she’s brazenly flaunting her Tips (for Sprucing up Your Website), and in public, too! Does User-Generated Content Work for Political Campaigns? Todd Zeigler...

Quick Hits — March 30, 2007

Republicans For Obama! At least, they like his website. Dissecting an NRCC site: Mike Turk and Blog P.I. wield the scalpels. Enough of this Web 2.0 crap: Email marketing still works, and Getting Attention points to the best email campaigns of recent...

Quick Hits — March 28, 2007

Welcome to the neighborhood, Politico! “In its early days the Politico is demonstrating the same coziness with power and pack reporting mentality that’s sadly been the hallmark of old media.” Huffington journalism professor = mass...

Quick Hits — March 22, 2007

I’ve-been-out-sick, gotta-catch-up-fast, quick-hits-on-steroids edition (no drug-testing in the blog world, thank god.) The guy behind the Hillary Clinton/1984 parody ad, initially anonymous, is outed as a Blue State Digital employee (oops)...

Quick Hits — March 14, 2007

The random byproducts of three very busy days online. Not all entirely on topic, but easily digestible nonetheless. Time reporter credits blogosphere for keeping Federal prosecutor story alive in the face of mainstream media indifference. “And...

Quick Hits — March 5, 2007

DNC Launches Vote Builder. A lefty version of the voter vault? Definitely needed. And it comes as the Right tries to build its own Netroots equivalent. Two greatly contrasting takes on the power of young political activists: they’re getting...

Quick Hits — March 2, 2007

YouTube creates channel for candidates’ video. It’s just a catch-all for existing pieces, but it does make comparisons easy. And it’s gotten lots of online attention. John McCain on YouTube and CHBN.com. Video commentary by...

Quick Hits — February 26, 2007

New report: Congressional Web sites ‘disappointing’. Apparently, they’re nicely representative of the institution as well. Yet More Evidence of a Peaking Blogosphere. Ohmigod, The Hour Of Our Doom is at hand — we face a...

Quick Hits — February 22, 2007

War breaks out in Second Life! It’s all fun and games until someone nukes a Reebok store (via Slate). The (online) violence continues as the Post goes into depth about the blogger/Tauscher war (which Hotline picked up before Christmas). New...