Will Fred Thompson be an Internet Campaign Innovator? Alan Rosenblatt says, guilty as charged. Ol’ Fred had better do somethin’ right quick: For GOP, Gen Next is becoming Gen Gone (a Burt Edwards suggestion). Ron Paul to the rescue...
Pre-holiday catching-up-with-the-blogs edition, carefully selected for easy beach reading. Much discussion of Facebook’s new Platform application. Todd Zeigler and The Good Doctor Rosenblatt think it’s a potential game-changer, but Donna...
Quick Hits is a harsh mistress, but I can ignore her no longer. Special Edition! When the bizarre meets the sublime, plus some scary stuff. Gen Y Reads More Print, Not Less, than Older Counterparts. Damn kids, quit hogging my magazines. Speaking of...
Meet the OPOs (Online Political Operatives). A bit of a puff piece, but it does give an overview of who’s working for whom and how they fit into campaign structures. Bivings on Bidding for President(ial Google ads): The Democrats and The...
Army Squeezes Soldier Blogs, Maybe to Death. The end of milblogging? Just as YouTube lines up to be the next threat to military discipline. But wait! There’s more…U.S. Military Uses YouTube to Get Its Story Out (nice outflanking...
Eight Easy Steps To Internet Superstardom. Video tutorials from Jack Black and others why not try a little humour to get your political points across? ABCNews.com Relaunches with Citizen Journalism. Also with new emphasis on video (and dreams...
Quick Hits Returns! (And this time it’s personal…) Al-Jazeera launches YouTube channel, apparently leaving film editor at home. On a related note, American conservatives launch a site to keep House Dems “accountable.”...
I just caught Susan Finkelpearl cheating on us with Democracy in Action! Moreover, she’s brazenly flaunting her Tips (for Sprucing up Your Website), and in public, too! Does User-Generated Content Work for Political Campaigns? Todd Zeigler...
Republicans For Obama! At least, they like his website. Dissecting an NRCC site: Mike Turk and Blog P.I. wield the scalpels. Enough of this Web 2.0 crap: Email marketing still works, and Getting Attention points to the best email campaigns of recent...
Welcome to the neighborhood, Politico! “In its early days the Politico is demonstrating the same coziness with power and pack reporting mentality that’s sadly been the hallmark of old media.” Huffington journalism professor = mass...