Time for a little of The Good, The Bad and the Downright Ugly of Online Politics Let’s start with the Ugly: The travesty of political robo-calls, in which Slate’s William Saletan takes on a campaign tool that needs to die. Next, the Bad:...
Quick Hits returns! Last seen in abbreviated form on September 7th, it’s been off training hard for the ’08 campaign season. Crowdsourcing the Latest Giuliani Scandal. Kos sez, let’s come up with a catchy name for Giuliani’s...
Email attack: White House resists FOIA requests, and who can blame them after reading FEMA’s Katrina-related messages (Highlight: Juxtaposing “I Am a Fashion God” with “I just ate an MRE and crapped in the hallway of the...
Users’ Online Time Spent Mostly on Content – Not Communications, Commerce. Content is king! Tech Savvy Protesters take on China, but when is it appropriate to spam the Great Firewall? Social networks not just for kids, as Boomer site...
Inside the lobbying industry’s evolution. From hunter-gatherer to information-age filter/aggregator a fascinating framework for analysis. Ron Paul: All the Rage in Paris. Liberté-rians? The Danger of Using YouTube Views as a Metric...
Hi y’all, e.politics is back on the case after a long summer weekend full of exciting adventures and interesting moral lapses — hope you didn’t miss us too much. Let’s catch up real quick with what’s been going on while...
It’s too damn hot to write anything substantive. DARPA Chief: Titanium is the Next Internet. What’s next, after the networked battlefield? Internet Vote-Swapping Legal, Says 9th Circuit. Naderites, unite! Beautiful blogad. Henry Copeland...
Quick Hits returns! Back from summer vacation, tan, rested and ready to… Cyberactivists Are a Must-See for Candidates. Yearly Kos preview. Note: don’t expect to run into Bill O’Reilly there. Is It Worth It? An ROI Calculator for...
Late addition: Community Counts: Real Participation in the Debates. People are stepping up and fixing the problems with YouTube’s debate video process. Why MySpace is for freaks and Facebook is for preps. I KNEW I felt out of place on...
See below for today’s non-presidential Quick Hits. Late addition! RNC snags Yahoo! exec for Web operation. Philip de Vellis has an analysis at techPresident. Christmas With the Romneys: The irresistible creepiness of Mitt’s new home...