Update: Primary Season Signals Adoption of Online Ads by Political Campaigns. “Not only are those ads relatively inexpensive; they’ve allowed often cash-strapped campaigns to determine whether their dollars were well spent, before voters...
Update: Exclusive: New Hillary Fundraising E-Mail! Well, kinda. Lawrence Lessig considers Congressional run. More at Techcrunch, Wired and tPrez. Blogger Joshua Micah Marshall wins journalism award. CNN retaliates by firing American Morning producer...
How the right explains the left’s online dominance. Via Salon’s Blog report. How the Web pushes politics further left, further right. Social Networking Becoming Old Technology In A Hurry. MoveOn to Superdelegates: Wait! GOP’s...
Potomac Primary special edition special because for once, DC’s vote actually matters. Update: Over the Horizon: User-Centered Online Politics? Hillary’s Valentine Email to supporters. Tasty treat or sickly sweet? Also check out...
Mmm, mmm, do I love me a Super Tuesday party. Or two. Or three. How the web followed the Super Tuesday results. C.f. Twitter/Twittervision/Google Maps Super Tuesday Mashup and Internet political buzz super for democracy (note quote from e.politics...
Yay, Super Tuesday, the most wonderful time of the year. The following Hits will be updated throughout the day. See also yesterday’s list. Update: Just got a Drudge Siren email alert, and apparently Obama is “large” in the exit...
Mega pre-Super Tuesday edition. Are any Giants-sized upsets coming our way in the political world? Update: Concise, insightful Super Tuesday video slideshow overview from CQ, including some great photos and clever graphics. Via PoliticalWire...
Update: Clinton-Obama Mudslinging During South Carolina Debate Plays Out Online Update: White House Has No Comprehensive E-Mail Archive McCain’s Web Ad Responds to Swiftboat-like attack. Watch the video, and see also McCain, Huckabee Trade...
Obama Gets Mobile Right. Hooray for technology! Or maybe not. Backlash over anti-Obama email in New Hampshire Someone’s keeping the faith: Email details Huckabee’s Michigan evangelical turnout operation. Clinton’s Fund-raising...
Welcome To The Iowa Caucuses, Viewed Online Through Grassroots Lenses. Can’t get enough Iowa? Let’s hang with the locals. Obama Girl, Britney Boy Top YouTube Videos. More significant: Obama Girl makes the AdRants Raciest Ads of the Year...