Update: The Commentocracy rises online. Road Trip! Young Republicans Blog and Twitter Their Way Across the U.S. The internet changes a small town in North Carolina. Multiply by an entire planet. McCain’s Web Site Traffic Surges, But Obama...
Monster mid-summer catch-up edition, straight from Austin, Texas. Update: Microtargeting: Myth vs. Fact? Update: Questions About McCain’s Tech Savvy Worry Bloggers on the Right. Update: Should Government Employees Blog? Vocus Webinar Explores...
In which e.politics awakens from a short summer nap. Update: Auto-replace as a political tool with blowback. Did Google use its network of online services to silence critics of Barack Obama? Obama Network Organizes and Revolts Over Spying...
Below are resources for a little presention I like to call,
Cheap, Quick and (Sometimes) Dirty: Creating Integrated Online Campaigns Using Off-The-Shelf Parts
(Delivered at the DemocracyInAction Conference on June 26, 2008)
Obama Plans National Push on Ads and Turnout. Note particularly the use of consumer data/microtargeting with email and direct mail. C.f. Obama Campaign Dispatching Thousands Obama Drops Out of Public Financing; Announces By Email/YouTube. Apparently...
The End of the Beginning! Mike Allen: “‘Thank you, Senator Clinton,’ says the home page of BarackObama.com, which harvests e-mail and text addresses with a form inviting: ‘Take a minute to thank her for her hard work and for...
Back to work! Here’s what you’ve missed the past few days: Have a Peaceful Memorial Day Week-end, Undeclared Superdelegates! Love, Arianna. Keynote presentation: Russell Simmons on how hip-hop fans build brands. Note: we’re going...
Update: News-starved Burmese snap up grim cyclone videos. McCain widens dialogue on blogs. Via tPrez. C.f. McCain Campaign Pioneers A First: Courting Lefty Bloggers. The Amazing Money Machine: How Silicon Valley made Barack Obama this year’s...
Update: MoveOn Targets McCain Aides. Obama: Smear emails “not just a random sort of viral thing”. Racist Secret Service E-Mails. Oof. I mean really, oof. Stupid enough to think, even more stupider to email. How to spot Photoshop...