Quick Hits

A quick roundup of stories related to digital politics and online advocacy.

Quick Hits — October 28, 2008

Would-be Obama assassins met online, of course. Popular Conservative Blog Backs Alaska Democrats. The Election That Has the Whole World Blogging. Tweet Your Voting Moment. Obama Campaign Streams Closing Argument Online. Sexy Robocall Flogs...

Quick Hits — October 26, 2008

McCain Volunteer’s Claim of Attack Unravelled, Online and Off. C.f. Tweets Give Race-Baiting Hoaxster a ‘B’ for Effort Twitter’s Role in Digital Democracy. C.f. Campaigns need to listen to the Internet Media and Update:...

Quick Hits — October 9, 2008

Update: MoveOn Grows Up. Bloggers Fact-Check Prez Candidates. C.f. High-Tech Analysis Obscures Presidential Debate and Public Submitted Thousands of Debate Questions Online, Not Millions (more on the debates here shortly, Lord willin’ and the...

Quick Hits — October 6, 2008

New Obama site ties McCain to Keating with video and text. What was that you were saying about Ayers? Note that an overnight email previewed the video for supporters and encouraged them to spread it around. C.f. Obama Campaign Uses Micro-site To...

Quick Hits — October 1, 2008

The weirdest/most intense political year just won’t slow down. Finance Industry Giving Visualized. “Wonder just how Wall Street has become so influential on Capitol Hill that it can command the attention of the federal government from...

Quick Hits — September 29, 2008

Crazy day, eh? No worries — still plenty of careers available in the fast-growing fields of post-apocalyptic looting and rampaging. Update: DNC running ads on Drudge Report and Beliefnet focusing on McCain gambling ties, via Mike Allen...