Reid Takes Down Mock Web Site Of GOP Rival. D’oh! It’s back up after slight modifications (thanks for the catch, Phil). CNN’s Octavia Nasr Leaving Network After Controversial Hezbollah Tweet, as Kos is banned from MSNBC over Tweet...
Angle Takes Legal Action After Reid Re-Publishes Site. C.f. Scrubbing Sharron Angle. The latest in corporate damage control: Bob Dudley, Chief Executive for BP Response, answers your questions about the oil spill through YouTube, answers via live...
Quick Hits is back! Strap yourself in: we have some major cache-clearing ahead. Alvin Green (D for SC Senator) now has a website, straight outta 1999. Alleged Russian agents used high-tech tricks. C.f. Russian spies took advantage of tech. Senate...
More good stories than we could possibly deserve. RNC document mocks donors, plays on ‘fear’, which of course sparks a Democratic fundraising drive in response. But the Empire strikes back: RNC email raises money off of Rangel. In a...
All the online politics news that’s fit to link to. MoveOn backing challenger to Sen. Blanche Lincoln. C.f. A local take on the race. Searching for Saddam: A five-part series on how the U.S. military used social networking to capture the Iraqi...
Let’s keep this one to a manageable size and catch up with the advocacy blogs next time. Update: @BarackObama, the president’s Twitter account, asks supporters to turn their icons into a jobs graph. Recovery Act – Year One and...
Trying to do these a little more often… The GOP Rises Online, as New media help conservatives get their anti-Obama message out. They’re not alone: U.K. Conservatives Embrace Digital to Revamp Image. SOTU report: War Rooms Set Up for...
The state of our linking is strong. Talking Back to Obama’s First State of the Union, via YouTube, plus Plouffe to OFA: Time to “Regroup, Refocus, and Re-engage” Around SOTU, [RNC] Tweeting the #SOTU and Live Tonight on YouTube:...
Step back, this is gonna be a big one — with some amazing articles. Haiti Quake LiveBlog: LiveStream key news source; World Vision grabs Google Ad; PicFog live images. C.f. Red Cross Utilizes Text Messaging for Aid After Haiti Quake, Red...
Clearing a cache very full of stories — we’ll catch up with the online advocacy blogs next time around. Conservative blogger wishes death on Bobby Byrd, joins Sen. Coburn in keeping it classy. Repubs, Dems scrub YouTube of online ads...