Howdy folks, your redoutable editorial team (i.e., me) is back from The Burn with about 2000 photographs and even more stories — some of which I might be able to tell in public! But for now, back to politics — and to the...
Barack Obama’s re-election campaign has already spent heavily on staff and infrastructure, but it’s revealing that they’re continuing to build the data-driven side of their grassroots operation. For a good example, check out the...
ProPublica has tried to reverse-engineer an Obama fundraising email, different versions of which went to a husband and wife: Sinker and his wife weren’t the only ones to receive similar but subtly different emails from the Obama campaign...
This morning I had the privilege of chatting with the folks at NPR/PRI’s “The Takeaway” for a bit. The subject? Political ad microtargeting, which handily was one of the subjects of a recent Campaigns and Elections...
Also published on HuffingtonPost This week’s news that Obama’s 2012 campaign has already assembled a powerful army of small online donors — more than a million people have given him money so far, only half of whom did so in 2008...
Howdy folks, my first section for Campaigns & Elections magazine is out! The print version is in the mail and the online version is live. Check it out, in two parts: Online, 2012 Won’t Be 2008 Technology Bytes: Perry’s social...
Update: Apparently, this feature has been in the VAN since it started…which is even better. Political data nerds LOVE to use tools like the VAN backend voter management system to slice and dice outreach lists by all kinds of criteria —...
Hot on the heels of yesterday’s Great Guest Author Roundup, a new stallion has joined the herd! Check out Derek Pangallo’s political advertising extravaganza below, inspired by an Allen West ad on Today’s Part One...
A new article from Google alum Chris Talbot, continuing the focus on getting out the vote in the last days before the election. Find out more about Chris at the Talbot Digital site and on Twitter. Also see his previous article covering online rapid...
Buried in a Times piece today on what they portray as an internal Democratic debate about tying Republicans to some of the more-extreme statements of their Tea Party compatriots: At the Democratic National Committee, aides already have started work...