The Hill reported this morning on a fascinating development in the internal Republican war over the strategy to threaten a government shutdown if Democrats won’t agree to “defund” Obamacare: Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Marco Rubio...
Yay, August in DC! Congress is home, the streets are quiet, and we’re even enjoying a burst of Spring-like weather. But if you’re a political advocate, your life probably isn’t as slow as it would have been in past years: At town...
Howdy folks, Wednesday morning I’ll be venturing out of the e.politics bunker for a trip down to Capitol Hill for a panel discussion, part of the new Conncected Congress series. I’m on-stage with friends Serenety Hanley and Lorelei...
So, here’s one way Organizing for America (which runs the former Obama campaign supporter list) is going to use its grassroots base: pressuring Congressmembers in their districts during the August recess. From OFA’s Jon Carson: Friend...
Guest article! Good advice from our friend Laura Packard at PowerThru Consulting on how organizations and campaigns can use online advocacy to build their lists. For another recent example of this practice, see the success of NAACP’s Trayvon...
The Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman verdict dominated the news this weekend, with the internet no exception. Case in point: a petition on the NAACP site urging the U.S. Justice Department to file federal civil rights charges against Zimmerman...
Good stuff dropped into the e.politics bunker today — a new nonprofit online video benchmarks report, put together by the folks at See3, YouTube and Edelman. I just pulled down my own PDF copy of “Into Focus: Benchmarks for Nonprofit...
Karen Tumulty captured an interesting internet-fueled dynamic around Rand Paul’s Senate filibuster last week: Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) created a sensation Wednesday by railing for nearly 13 hours straight in the Senate chamber against the Obama...
Here’s a bit of a coup for our friends at, who were also featured in that recent “50 Hottest” list in BusinessInsider: when advocates use the POPVOX site to post documents supporting or opposing legislation, they now go...
Guest article! We normally don’t run many pieces submitted by vendors here at, but the article below looks at a fascinating development in government relations — the use of data mining to identify organizations’...