Congratulations to our friends at the Campaign Workshop! Today they issued their second ebook, this one a top-to-bottom guide to conducting advocacy campaigns: Advocacy is all about creating the right message, getting it to the right targets, and...
New contributor Michael Khoo (of Spitfire Strategies) looks at online activism around Net Neutrality and teases out some valuable lessons about clicktivism…and the ability of Big Data to complicate online campaigners’ lives...
Revamping an online advocacy operation can be a major undertaking, but most of us can still benefit from a few minutes spent thinking about the basics. In that vein, below are ten things you can do today that should help you get the most out of...
What are the big developments to watch in online advocacy? That question is very much on my mind: Monday I’ll have the privilege of leading a digital strategy training for public affairs professionals, and I’ve been pulling slides...
When diplomacy fails, we are left with nothing but the prospect of war, bleak and hard. Yes, it’s Christmastime again, and mighty legions are mobilizing to take their places in the battle line — that hated foe demands a smiting, after...
Another useful bit of information from the Salsa Community Conference: according to ActionSprout’s Drew Bernard, groups that are running “Tell Congress to Reopen the Government” actions through his company’s service are...
Here’s a question that’s come up several times lately, at panel discussions, on a listserv and (most recently) after a Campaigns & Elections event last week. Why isn’t there a Republican equivalent of Care2 and Why...
Congrats to Jason Rosenbaum and the rest of the team behind the Corporate Action Network’s new online toolset! Optimized for local organizers but useful for larger groups as well, the new Action Network platform officially launched this week:...
Politics attracts weirdos. Sure, it also attracts plenty of earnest, responsible activists and public servants, but it brings in more than its share of fringe actors — if you’ve ever hung out with a Birther or a 9/11 Truther...