Coronavirus may have most of us sheltering in place, but advocacy hasn’t stopped. For one thing, I’m hearing that Congressional staff are still on duty, just mainly stationed at home for a while. With that in mind, let’s check out...
If you couldn’t join the webinar with nonprofit attorney Jean Kordenbrock on February 5th, we have you covered. In the recording embedded below and posted to YouTube, Jean and I cover the basic rules of the engagement for...
What can nonprofits do in an election year? More than some people think. Please join me and experienced nonprofit attorney Jean Kordenbrock next week for a webinar covering the rules of the road for nonprofit communications during election season...
New contributor! Bethany Snyder is the brains behind Snyder Strategies, where she spends her time “bolstering non-profits and social justice organizations through deep advocacy expertise.” Let’s benefit from some of...
When Twitter announced that it would ban all political ads (including the issue-focused variety), I wasn’t shy about what I thought: I called it a cop-out. Why? Twitter wants the best of all possible worlds — for itself. It’s...
Check out the slides from Friday’s Netroots Nation training, designed to introduce new/creative advertising strategies for political campaigns and advocacy organizations. The training was a hit; we filled the room and flowed out into the...
I’ve been experimenting recently with cross-posting articles to, and last month’s Digital Beachheads article is the latest. With a new title, too, so check out Digital Beachheads: How to Use Facebook to Build...
Hi folks, apologies for the sparse posting — several articles are in the oven right now, but they haven’t yet found the right moment to spring into the world. If you’re in DC next week, though, catch me in person at a Netsquared DC...
On December 20th, Donald Trump finally lived up to his potential: full governmental chaos and confusion. Federal agencies will likely close because Coulter and Limbaugh called his border wall weak. His Secretary of Defense resigned over a foreign...
New contributor! Paula Noonan is the owner of, an online email advocacy platform that includes message-aggregation for delivery to decisionmakers. She’s worked in the political arena since the summer of 1972...