Sure, the elections have gotten most of the attention this year, but if nothing else could, the current crisis in the finance system has cut through the clutter to remind us that the REAL business of politics often comes after the ballots are cast...
Cross-posted on techPresident In today’s spirit of getting things done, let’s take a look next at how individual citizens can involve themselves in politics using the internet and do it effectively. So before we all stampede straight off...
Guess what — people who are trained to organize political action might just be able to hit back if you take ’em on. In the few hours since Republican V.P nominee Sarah Palin made fun of Barack Obama’s community organizer background...
Update: the straight dope from the instigator of the Lefty “Twitterbomb” against #DontGo, and additional coverage from tPrez. Man, this #dontgo thing certainly does seem to have the Rs fired up, at least the Rs who are on Twitter. If...
Cross-posted on techPresident Eight million list members. One million MyBarackObama members. Nearly two million Facebook/MySpace “friends.” A couple of million online donors. By the time November comes around, those numbers will have...
Several conversations over the past few days have kept coming back to the same point: in the online world, things that seem cheap often aren’t, and things that seem expensive may actually be the cheaper alternative. For instance, Eric Rardin...
Below are resources for a little presention I like to call,
Cheap, Quick and (Sometimes) Dirty: Creating Integrated Online Campaigns Using Off-The-Shelf Parts
(Delivered at the DemocracyInAction Conference on June 26, 2008)
My old friend Dean Karlan wants YOU to help improve online advocacy — he’s one of the folks behind a site called that that aims to get people to follow through on their commitments by entering into a binding contract, and...
Yet another online channel to keep in mind: embedded PowerPoint. Salon’s War Room critiques the online version of a stategy presentation delivered by House Republican Leader John Boehner. The kicker: you can watch his PowerPoint embedded...