Advocacy campaign sites are a distinct breed — whether about human rights or business taxes, they generally do the same things and even usually LOOK quite similar. Why? For one thing, hard experience: online organizers have now had enough...
Today I’m giving a webinar for a corporate client on using social media for public relations and advocacy, with a focus on practical applications day-to-day. You can check out a PDF of the presentation PDF here; related articles are below.
The online tax rebellion tea party may be going full steam on a rainy Tax Day afternoon, but the ‘baggers aren’t the only ones nipping at the heels of the news cycle this week. The Humane Society of the United States has also managed to...
Here’s a fun way to spend your April 15th: first person to spot an online advocacy campaign using tax day as a hook gets a free…oh wait, I win! Okay, I cheated — lots of groups have been working online to organize and recruit the...
A couple of weeks ago I asked a group of online advocacy professionals to suggest a few good issue-based campaign websites, and the results provide an excellent snapshot of the current standards in the field. Particularly since an e.politics article...
A Shailagh Murray/Paul Kane article in Thursday’s Post illuminates a serious problem for advocacy groups: Congress has so much on its plate this year that there’s little room left. With Democrats holding the presidency and running...
For all the attention paid to the back-and-forth over the House and Senate versions of the economic stimulus bill, the version that REALLY mattered is the one that appeared last: the conference committee report. The early debate and early votes...
How’s this for random economic fallout — will the recently passed stimulus bill stimulate online politics? Here’s why it might: money for transportation and other projects will be funneling down through state and regional funding...
Cross-posted on K Street Cafe Check out this fascinating print ad placed by the National Association of Home Builders in today’s Roll Call, which starts out with quite a strong quote: “If this thing passes, I will buy immediately.”...
Remember that question about how Obama would use his online support after the elections? Here’s one answer: I just received an email from the president via the DNC list promoting house parties this weekend to help build national support for...