I’ve been experimenting recently with cross-posting Epolitics.com articles to Medium.com, and last month’s Digital Beachheads article is the latest. With a new title, too, so check out Digital Beachheads: How to Use Facebook to Build...
Also published on Medium.com as Digital Beachheads: How to Use Facebook to Build Progressive Support in Trump Country You don’t always get to pick your battlefields when you want to change a country. For progressives, many of our policy and...
The digital side of Senator Kamala Harris’s campaign launch got good reviews this week, as Sam Stein and Gideon Resnick note at The Daily Beast: Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) announced on Tuesday that her presidential campaign exploratory...
Big news from one of the big spenders on the Independent Expenditure side of Democratic campaigning: Priorities USA Action, the top Democratic super PAC targeting President Donald Trump in 2020, is promoting its head of digital operations to a new...
This post originally ran on Epolitics.com on October 4, 2017. Let’s reread it now in the light of this week’s Manafort redaction disaster, in which we learned that Trump’s onetime campaign manager had passed polling data to a...
2016 did not go the way Democrats hoped — and not just because Trump won. Despite the hundreds of millions of dollars spent on congressional races, the balance of power in the House shifted only slightly toward the Dems, and Republicans could...
Election Day’s a week away, but you still have time to create a basic plan to employ mobile and digital tools to get out your vote. Quick & Dirty Strategy Let’s start with whom NOT to contact. Don’t spend time and advertising...
With less than two weeks before Election Day, millions of Americans are already casting early and absentee ballots. Does that mean you should pour all of your digital resources into getting out the vote? Does digital persuasion advertising make...
Vote.org sent a fundraising email yesterday with an unexpected ask: they want me to give them money to pay for billboards encouraging people to vote. What? Aren’t we all digital and stuff these days? The actual ask is quite specific. The...
Could Facebook’s new rules for political advertising actually encourage more of it? This idea came up in a discussion with the team at DSPolitical a few weeks ago, and I explored it in detail in my most recent Campaigns & Elections piece...