Wow, here’s a striking number from Kate Kaye at ClickZ: Online ad spending by President Obama’s reelection campaign has reached over $8 million. When combined with web ad spending by the Democratic National Committee, the number tops the...
For insight into the shape of the Obama grassroots turnout machine that Republicans will have to counter in the Fall, look no further than the campaign’s January income/expense filing. For instance: The campaign’s single largest expense...
*To the tune of All the Single Ladies A quick public service announcement from your friends here at as you’re cruising around the web, you’ll no doubt occasionally find stories you like. And I bet you even have a few web...
This morning I had the privilege of chatting with the folks at NPR/PRI’s “The Takeaway” for a bit. The subject? Political ad microtargeting, which handily was one of the subjects of a recent Campaigns and Elections...
ClickZ‘s Kate Kaye is a rare reporter these days who really understands online advertising and knows the right questions to ask. Don’t miss her coverage of the 2012 primaries, in which campaigns and Super PACs have taken to the...
Well, not willingly — a week or two back, Warren’s campaign for Massachusetts senator was running online display ads asking for donations to her “response fund” to reply to the television attacks Rove’s American...
Hi folks, I hope you’re enjoying the end-of-year frenzy — I’m just wrapping up the last details of the NWLC’s EOY online fundraising email sequence, and I’m sure all of our inboxes will be filling up soon with various...
Guest article! Brian Cook is with the Human Rights Campaign, which works on marriage equality and other equal rights issues for the LGBT community. He recently put the Google Grants guide below out on the Progressive Exchange and was kind enough to...
Rick Perry may have tried to upstage her with his campaign launch, but Michelle Bachmann did win this year’s Ames Straw Poll, usually an early indicator of a candidate’s strength in first-to-caucus Iowa. An article in yesterday’s...
Hot on the heels of yesterday’s Great Guest Author Roundup, a new stallion has joined the herd! Check out Derek Pangallo’s political advertising extravaganza below, inspired by an Allen West ad on Today’s Part One...