Look at the ad to the right — it appeared on Epolitics.com this morning. The message ain’t subtle: political online ad space is drying up, so you’d better go with a company that’s got battleground inventory already in the...
A Politico story today confirms something we’ve mentioned here before more than once: this year’s high level of spending by campaigns and outside groups is soaking up online ad inventory, particularly in battleground states. Back in...
Hi folks, my latest Campaigns & Elections article is up, and it looks at some critiques of the new trend toward using online ad networks to target individual voters through online “cookies.” As we’ve seen, online political...
Howdy folks, yes we are still alive down here in the e.politics bunker, despite all indications to the contrary — what with conferences, a day job and Campaigns & Elections demanding time, the site has had to take a back seat for too long...
Lots of online talk today about the Obama campaign’s new two-minute(!) anti-Romney attack ad airing in battleground states. Here’s the video, and note the RomneyEconomics.com website promoted via a custom overlay: This video is...
As of March 31, Obama 2012 and the DNC together had spent $21,000,000 on digital advertising, more than double total Republican spending at the presidential level. Most of the Dems’ spending was on Google and Facebook recruiting ads, though a...
[Updated below] A big change in the world of campaign advertising: over the past six months: the practice of targeting online ads directly at voters in a particular district has gone from being exotic to being a standard part of the political...
One key takeaway from CampaignTech: advertising inventory seems to be selling out fast, particularly in those eternal tossup states like Florida and Ohio. According to various conference-goers, campaigns, party committees, independent expenditure...
Call today a study in crowdsourcing contrasts. First, the good: public-interest news outlet ProPublica is asking citizens to help track political advertising by candidates and outside groups like SuperPACs (they need assistance because the FCC has...
From our friends at FlackCheck.org, a new organization spun off from FactCheck.org that looks at political advertising: Not bad at all! Musical numbers ain’t easy, and illustrating the ad trends this way is a lot more compelling than some dry...