DC votes today for a new at-large city councilmember — hooray for voting! And hooray for sophisticated digital tactics, which are moving down-ballot fast, judging from this race, at least. First, advertising — around the time that early...
Check out the infographic below (originally on Business Insider), which is simple but tells us a lot about the dynamics of the online advertising race for the presidency in 2012: Several points to note: The sheer volume of ads that Obama ran...
The new Organizing For Action, the successor organization to Obama’s 2012 grassroots army, turns its fire on Republican Congressmembers over gun-purchase background checks, as first reported by USA Today. The weapon? Online ads on websites...
Here’s a new-ish development over at Facebook that should be handy for political advertisers — Fb is now identifying users who are “politically active” based on their interests and interactions. Even better, they’ve...
Update: Now with working links to the case studies…d’oh! Greetings from Texas! We’ve temporarily abandoned the e.politics bunker in favor of the distant hinterlands — though no baby armadillos so far this time, alas. But what...
Here’s another tip (via RootsCamp 2012) from our digital marketing friends at Obama 2012: when you’re doing persuasion ads, don’t use a format people can skip over…because they will. For instance, plenty of video ads get...
One noteworthy point from a RootsCamp 2012 session on the Obama campaign’s digital marketing: sometimes a less-targeted approach to recruitment worked better than tight targeting. This may come as a surpise to some, since, impressed the...
Besides the Big Questions for 2012 we talked about yesterday, the current Campaigns & Elections TechBytes column also looks at some targeting options beyond those involving digital cookies and voter databases. Another useful channel? Cable TV...
Campaign 2012 should be decisive in a big bunch of ways — we’ll get a new president and a fundamentally different Congress…or we won’t, for example. But political digerati will be watching for special insights in our own...
Cookie-based voter-file targeted ads (like those getting scarce in battleground states) aren’t the only arrow in the digital advertiser’s quiver: Mitt Romney’s now trying to connect with voters via Pandora internet radio, too...