Check out last week’s top 10 over-performing Facebook posts from the 2016 presidential campaigns! The data is via our friends at CrowdTangle, and remember that these aren’t the top-performing posts in ABSOLUTE terms, since that would...
Presidential race drop-out Chris Christie endorsed Donald Trump this week, leading to a strange joint appearance that transfixed the internet. Those eyes! Those eyes! But while Christie’s love may have gone to Trump, his email list went to...
Google searches don’t quite predict the outcome of elections (yet), but they CAN illuminate the underlying trends in a unique way. By showing us which candidates people wanted to know about and when, they give us a sense of momentum —...
John Wagner reports in the Post today that the Sanders campaign has already raised $36 million in February, almost all online. More, Bernie’s people are aiming to finish the month at $40 million, an amazing total that would almost certainly...
Check out Hillary Clinton’s South Carolina victory announcement on Facebook: We just won the South Carolina primary! Text CONGRATS to 47246 to tell Hillary you’re proud to be on her team today. Posted by Hillary Clinton...
Quick Hits is back! Let’s clear the queue and try to do these more regularly. Marco Rubio would like to sell you this broken watch. Note that that this went up during the Thursday debate, as he was launching his “selling watches”...
Hey gang, apologies for the sparse publishing lately — I got thrown for a loop by a case of bronchitis plus some emergency dental surgery, yum. We should be back on track now, though. Also, with so many candidates dropping out, I’ve been...
Perhaps the state wasn’t quite the “firewall” the Clinton campaign had hoped, but Hillary still pulled off a win in this weekend’s Nevada caucuses. This result came despite a late Sanders surge, fueled both by his strong...
Donald Trump may have backed down somewhat in his public spat with Pope Francis over walls and bridges, but let’s note a digital angle in all of this. As Reid Wilson pointed out on the Diane Rehm show this morning, the two infallible...
Hi folks, looks like it’s time to trim the list for this report, since a couple of the has-beens made the top 10 this time. What does it say, though, that they’re seeing more online passion than candidates still in the race? Check out...