Hey gang, whew! It’s been a hell of a couple of months down here in the e.politics bunker, as you might tell from the sparse publishing calendar. What’s been up? Besides some developments on the family front that have had me running to...
Whew! Crazy times over here — more on that soon. In the meantime… Check out last week’s top 10 over-performing Facebook posts from the 2016 presidential campaigns! The data is via our friends at CrowdTangle, and remember that these...
Check out last week’s top 10 over-performing Facebook posts from the 2016 presidential campaigns! Of note this week: what a dramatic difference in tone between the two campaigns. The data is via our friends at CrowdTangle, and remember that...
Check out last week’s top 10 7 over-performing Facebook posts from the 2016 presidential campaigns! The list is a little short this week due to a technical error on my end (oopsie!), but note the number of text-only posts that caught on this...
Did you notice a little something extra at this year’s political conventions? I’ll give you a hint: some new players were involved, and they weren’t on the stage. Or rather, they weren’t on the stage in the room, but they...
Hi folks, this post is coming to you live from downtown Chicago, where a bevy of fine digital campaign folks have gathered for C&E’s latest CampaignTech event. Among the assembled luminaries: our old friend Laura Packard, whose work has...
So it turns out that this whole “writing” thing is hard, particularly when you’re in the middle of launching two big new client projects. But while we’re waiting for cognitive surplus to return, check out last week’s...
Hey kids, Epolitics.com is back in business after a long summer break. More details about what’s been happening down here in the bunker soon, but first, let’s look at how the campaigns spun last week’s Republican convention...
Check out last week’s top 10 over-performing Facebook posts from the 2016 presidential campaigns! Note that we’re leaving Bernie on the list until he formally drops out. The data is via our friends at CrowdTangle, and remember that these...
A few weeks ago, I chatted with a team from the French TV channel Canal+ about political GIFs. We’d originally planned to talk in front of the White House, but a steady drizzle was falling and we held most of our video shoot in the covered...