This piece is adapted from Chapter Five of the 2018 edition of “How to Use the Internet to Change the World — and Win Elections. See also an earlier excerpt, “Ten Big Trends in Digital Politics & Advocacy”. For more on...
Check out last week’s top 10 over-performing Facebook posts, from the several hundred progressive groups followed by our friends at CrowdTangle. Remember, these are posts that have seen significantly more engagement than the norm for their...
Back from vacation! Check out last week’s top 10 over-performing Facebook posts, from the several hundred progressive groups followed by our friends at CrowdTangle. Remember, these are posts that have seen significantly more engagement than...
Step back; this one’s going to be big. Two senators say their identities were stolen in fake net neutrality comments to the FCC, and a Former Lawmaker Says His Emails Were Hacked In 2016. Meanwhile, Campaigns are on their own as cyber threats...
If you’ve wondered whether or not to take campaign cybersecurity and digital trickery seriously, this week should dispel your doubts. Just in the past few days, we’ve found out that: Russian hackers targeted Senate staff and conservative...
Adapted from Chapter Three of How to Use the Internet to Change the World — and Win Elections. Download your copy today. This piece is also published on Most of this book will dive deeply into the tools and tactics of digital...
Could Facebook’s new rules for political advertising actually encourage more of it? This idea came up in a discussion with the team at DSPolitical a few weeks ago, and I explored it in detail in my most recent Campaigns & Elections piece...
Check out last week’s top 10 over-performing Facebook posts, from the several hundred progressive groups followed by our friends at CrowdTangle. Remember, these are posts that have seen significantly more engagement than the norm for their...
Headed soon to a phone in your hands? Augmented reality advertising. First question? What does that even mean. As Christina Bonnington explains in Slate, commercial brands are already experimenting with ads designed to draw people into the world of...
Now online by popular demand! Check out the slides from the digital advertising presentation Emily Gittleman and I delivered at Netroots Nation this morning. For more info, follow up with us individually — I’m on Twitter as @epolitics...