Author - Colin Delany

More on Political Microtargeting

Two LA Times reporters appeared on WAMU radio’s Diane Rehm show today to talk about GOP long-term plans for political dominance. They spent a lot of time talking about microtargeting, particularly for direct mail, a skill at which the...

Digital Editing and Campaign Trickery

A Micropersuasion post about digital editing made me wonder — will political campaigns try to use anonymous online videos as a dirty trick? I.e., using easily-available editing software to put their opponent in a compromising or unflattering...

Communicating With Congress: The 3-30-3-30 Rule

At a meeting a few weeks ago, Alex Treadway of National Journal’s Policy Council mentioned using the “3-30-3-30” rule when communicating with Congress. It sounded like an excellent model, so I asked him to go into some detail for e...

Quick Hits — July 24, 2006

Saving the World, One Video Game at a Time — NY Times piece on using video games as educational and advocacy tools Publishers Mull Online Networking — Media Week article on magazines and social networking/social media South Dakota politics...

Media Fragmentation and Niche Marketing

Just back from a presentation by the New Politics Institute. I’ll post the video link as soon as they provide it, but in the meantime, here are a couple of quick takeaways: The rise of cable, Tivo and the internet fragments media audiences and...

Online Smackdown: Wal-Mart vs. the Critics

It’s a tag-team deathmatch right here on our beloved internets: Wal-Mart hits its union detractors with a site called (with headlines just a hair short of an Onion parody), and the unions return fire with the finest URL yet...