Author - Colin Delany

Quick Hits — August 7, 2006

Al Gore YouTube Spoof Not So Amateurish: Republican PR Firm Said to Be Behind ‘Inconvenient Truth’ Spoof — now, didn’t I warn you guys about getting caught? Barging Into the Bloggers’ Circle — Washington Post...

Viral Marketing Case Study

Darren Barefoot has posted an excellent case study of the viral spread of a parody site he created, including tips to give your viral content long online legs. Don’t forget to take dark matter into account! Thanks to Micropersuasion for the...

Search Engine Optimization Tools

Hey kids, let’s boost our Google rank and become immensely popular and get to sit at the cool table at lunch and stuff. We know the basic methods because we’ve done our homework, but how do we keep track of the results? A site called...

Effective Press Releases in a Search-Driven World

PR guy David Meerman Scott has an excellent (and free) publication on his site about using press releases to reach customers (and by extension, potential campaign supporters) directly. Some quick points: A release sent out through a newswire (PR...

Quick Hits — July 31, 2006

Les Blogs Herald France’s Newest Inalienable Right — The French are crazy about blogs, spending more time on them than Americans, British or Germans. Money quote — “You cannot be elected president of France without a blog...

When Welcome Messages Aren’t Welcome

M&R Strategic Services has a report out on how to contact new members of your activist list. The results surprised me, but the authors have actual real-live numbers to back them up — and we all know that Math Never Lies. M&R’s...