Author - Colin Delany

Two Upcoming Events

If you’re in the DC area, here are two upcoming events of interest: my old friend Hank Dearden’s regular Second Tuesdays New Media Cocktails and Networking Night on August 8th and Alan Rosenblat’s next Internet Advocacy Roundtable...

More on Political Microtargeting

Two LA Times reporters appeared on WAMU radio’s Diane Rehm show today to talk about GOP long-term plans for political dominance. They spent a lot of time talking about microtargeting, particularly for direct mail, a skill at which the...

Digital Editing and Campaign Trickery

A Micropersuasion post about digital editing made me wonder — will political campaigns try to use anonymous online videos as a dirty trick? I.e., using easily-available editing software to put their opponent in a compromising or unflattering...

Communicating With Congress: The 3-30-3-30 Rule

At a meeting a few weeks ago, Alex Treadway of National Journal’s Policy Council mentioned using the “3-30-3-30” rule when communicating with Congress. It sounded like an excellent model, so I asked him to go into some detail for e...

Quick Hits — July 24, 2006

Saving the World, One Video Game at a Time — NY Times piece on using video games as educational and advocacy tools Publishers Mull Online Networking — Media Week article on magazines and social networking/social media South Dakota politics...

Media Fragmentation and Niche Marketing

Just back from a presentation by the New Politics Institute. I’ll post the video link as soon as they provide it, but in the meantime, here are a couple of quick takeaways: The rise of cable, Tivo and the internet fragments media audiences and...