The revolution is upon us, and you have nothing to lose but your clothes. According to the LA Times, French fashion brand Shai is using porn in online video ads — and layering links to purchasing info directly into the video. Now, I...
Well, maybe not exactly famous, but certainly featured: e.politics was highlighted yesterday over at PoliticsOnline — look for the Hot Sites section under Mike Krempasky’s Very Serious Guy photograph (Mike and I argued politics in jovial...
Two guest columns in as many days! Let’s spread some e.politics love and hear from my old friend Phil Lepanto over at Connections Media, who has some excellent tips for making sure that your advocacy messages don’t get caught in a spam...
This just in: Water is wet! The sky is blue! Snakes on a Plane is the most awesomest movie title ever! And Blogs Offer Arena for Political Attacks…film at 11! Despite its overall air of smacking you in the face with the blatantly obvious, the...
Guest article! My colleaugue Burt Edwards sees the Lieberman/Lamont blog controversy as a cautionary tale for political commentators and communicators — bloggers and media relations folks alike. A wise man once commented that, “Any...
Thinking more about William Saletan’s piece today, it does strike me how often ‘net politics seems to be a force “whose moment has come.” Remember when Bob Dole mentioned his campaign site’s URL in a 1996 presidential...
Slate’s William Saletan argues that the Lieberman/Lamont race demonstrates that the ‘net is indisputably vital to modern politics. The proof? Not that Lamont used internet politics well (which he did), but that Lieberman’s people...
The Washington Post has an excellent article analyzing how Lamont pulled it off: moving from essentially no name recognition in March to victory yesterday. Some takeaways for online political professionals which apply both to electoral and advocacy...
Hard numbers on effectiveness can be rare in the nonprofit world, where groups are often judged more by process than by results. But earlier this year, several of the e-advocacy consulting firms and service providers released a joint study of the...
John Dickerson of Slate is on the case. A must-read for campaign professionals. Take note: “The Lamont videos were far more effective than tendentious blog posts, and they gave energetic supporters an outlet for their energies (a person can...