Author - Colin Delany

Event: New Media Happy Hour Tonight

Tonight is Hank Dearden’s Second Tuesday New Media Cocktails and Networking happy hour. Make valuable contacts! Meet charming vendors! Eat tasty appetizers! Get ripped and risk utter humiliation in front of your peers (mmmm, my favorite)...

Attack of the Splogs

They sound like something out of a B-grade science fiction movie, but splogs are a serious danger to the use of blogs as a communications tool for politics or any other subject. What are they? Spam blogs, set up automatically and by the thousands...

Death of an Ad Man

The king is dead, and none among us is worthy of his throne. I’d never met him or even read his name until today, but his words have etched deep grooves in my mind, into which my ad copy has gratefully slipped: In Japan, the hand can be used...