From Deborah Netburn at the LA Times: Savvy Web publicists, such as those for the ABC show “Lost,” have been adept at using promotional materials that spill out beyond the edges of the show, creating mysteries embedded online or in the...
Adam Sichko of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch has a good piece on candidates’ use of MySpace, Facebook and social media in races in Missouri, Illinois and Ohio, focusing on Missouri. Some details: Missouri Senator Jim Talent has a Facebook...
Micropersuasion reports that search engine marketing company Spannerworks has put out a PDF guide to social media, covering blogs, podcasts, social networks, content communities and Second Life. It’s more of a quick overview than an in-depth...
New reader Alex Urevick-Ackelsberg of Future Majority writes in with a couple of good suggestions. First, campaign sites should always have some sort of action available for volunteers to take, so that you don’t miss out on a chance to catch...
Following up on last week’s articles on blod ads and spreading ideas in the blogosphere, IDI’s Blogger Relations blog takes a step back and reminds us to do our homework before we dive in. Next, the article asserts a basic philosophical...
The Bivings Report has great list of tips for building campaign sites beyond the usual cookiecutter waving-flag-and-smiling-candidate layout. Some suggestions: give visitors stuff to do besides just give you money, create a site design that says...
Chris Cillizza and Jim VandeHei have a great article in today’s Post, “In Ohio, a Battle of Databases,” that looks in detail at how campaigns work with data behind the scenes to find voters, hit them with targeted messages and...
“Online Politics 101: The Tools and Tactics of Online Political Advocacy” gathers the e.politics how-to articles into one conveniently packaged (and free) publication. Each chapter contains a link to the live version on
Few Watch Drug PSAs On YouTube. The Office of National Drug Control Policy finds that viral marketing is hard if your audience doesn’t want to take its medicine. Political advertisers take note — YouTubers will watch what THEY want to...
From their site: “Idealware provides candid Consumer-Reports-style reviews and articles about software of interest to nonprofits, centralized into a website. Through product comparisons, recommendations, case studies, and software news...