Author - Colin Delany

Choosing E-Newsletter/Email Advocacy Software

Despite the much-discussed problems that have arisen lately with email advocacy, mass messages and email newsletters are still a critical tool for most campaigns and organizations. We use them to educate supporters, spur them to take action when...

RNC Texting Election News and Alerts

The Republican National Committee has asked their email list members to sign up to receive election-related news and action alerts via text message. Not the first time the Rs have used text messaging, since Californians could read notes from Ah-nold...

Tossing Emails into the Spin Blender

An article by David Jackson in yesterday’s USA Today reminds us that email, just about the oldest online advocacy tool around, is still a useful weapon in the political communications arsenal. Jackson focuses particularly on the White...

Fickle MySpace Audience; Google Courts Advertisers

Two Washington Post articles this weekend serve as a reminder of how fast the online communications world is changing. On Sunday, Yuki Noguchi looked at the fickle nature of social networking sites’ audiences, wondering if MySpace will meet...

Quick Hits — October 27, 2006

Liberal Bloggers Try To Google-bomb Republicans. Chris Bowers of MyDD enlists the blogosphere to try to ensure that the “proper” articles about Republican candidates show up high in search results. Suggested by a loyal reader (thanks...

NPR: Ken Mehlman on Using Data to Expand the Base

Today on Morning Edition, RNC Chair Ken Mehlman discussed some of the mechanics of using database-driven microtargeting to reach out to new voters. Specifically, he talks about the kinds of consumer choices that can indicate potential Republican...

The Worst Political Websites of 2006

Margarita recipes! Blogging dogs! (“Sometimes he sings to me and I dance and wag my tail…”). Indiana Dan (Burton), complete with bullwhip! These join empty pages, typos galore, “under construction” signs and the much...

Google Destroyed Message Control

At this week’s Mobile Monday meeting, Alan Rosenblatt said something else that got me thinking: “Google destroyed message control.” He meant it specifically in the sense that he thinks Google has made obsolete the old rule that you...