Author - Colin Delany

Covering the Voter Turnout Drive

A number of news outlets talk about the last-minute turnout game today, with Republican strategists touting the 72 Hour Project in a wire service article that ran in papers ranging from the Minneapolis Star-Tribune to the Miami Herald. The database...

Viral Marketing/MySpace Case Study

Jeff Goldsmith over at Care2 has written up his experience promoting a side project on MySpace and offers some quite useful pointers. Adventures of a Dead Elephant on MySpace talks about an attempt to get viral takeoff for some downloadable graphics...

CDC Using Second Life for Health Education

Nedra Kline Weinreich has a fascinating article about how the Centers for Disease Control is exploring Second Life as they look at ways social media can be used to promote public health. She interviews CDC Second Life representative John Anderton at...

Ten Commandments of MySpace Advocacy

M&R Strategic Services has pulled together a nice list of tips for using MySpace (and by extension, other social networking sites) for political advocacy and has published it as a PDF. My favorite: “Be prepared to lose control,”...

Using Online Video to Bypass Media Filters

At e.politics, I mostly talk about how organized campaigns and advocacy groups use technology to communicate and to organize, but we should never forget that the same tools are available to everyone with a computer or even a cell phone. For a recent...

Quick Hits — November 1, 2006

Media Turning to Blogs for Election Night Reaction. CNN will host an election-night blogger party — let’s hope they provide a nice snack tray. Voters Beware: Internet Gives Free Rein To Jabs. Wikipedia wars! Rude comments galore! Nice...