Author - Colin Delany

Campaign 2006: The Doctor Weighs In

Alan Rosenblatt has written an excellent article on his Dr. Digipol site responding to my campaign wrap-up from the other day. One thing he brings out explicitly is the need to think of online campaigning and offline campaigning as fundamentally...

Just How Much Did Bloggers Affect Campaign 2006?

An article from The Nation questions whether bloggers had a significant effect on the 2006 election. Money quote: “There is no doubt that bloggers leveraged money and political buzz to make races more competitive and put Republicans on the...

Beltway Blogger Boot Camp

Hi kids, if you’ve been meaning to start that blog for your organization but don’t quite know how to go about it, IDI is hosting a Beltway Blogger Boot Camp on Monday. For the low, low price of $150, you can find out more about the...

More Post-Election Wrap-Up

Two different takes on the use of search advertising in this election cycle, with the Rimm Kaufman Group not finding much but analyzing what they did, and Eric Frenchman at Connell Donatelli arguing that the Rimm Kaufman study missed much of the...

The Campaign is Dead; Long Live the Campaign

Well, the elections are over except for the wailing, moaning, gnashing of teeth and of course the recounts and lawsuits. Now it’s back to the business of actually making politics work — proposing policies, persuading people that...

More On Getting Out The Vote and Election Day Fun

The Hotline has two very hot documents from the Republican database-driven turnout machine, one describing their (apparently very successful) absentee ballot program in Michigan and the other listing sample voter contact numbers by state and...

Quick Hits — November 6, 2006

Gaming the Search Engine, in a Political Season. The Times takes on Google-bombing. Both the Times and the Post have articles looking at political uses of online video, with the Times focusing more on home-made video and the power of viral spread...