Steve Rubel points out a new application of wikis on his Micropersuasion site today: breaking out corporate organization charts, pieces of information usually tightly held by companies because of the details they would reveal to competitors...
Catching-up-with-the-blogs edition. Credit Where Due To The Netroots. National Journal’s Beltway Blogroll reports on Republican campaign folks giving props to lefty bloggers for Webb’s victory in Virginia and for adding to the...
Beth Kanter, author of the excellent Beth’s Blog (a great resource on technology and the nonprofit world), writes in to talk more about fundraising with widgets. I’ve just spent about month or so researching widgets for nonprofits over...
Think piece edition! The New World, the Rise of the New Culture of Participation. Futurist Jamais Cascio examines the potential of social media and other open source and participatory technologies to leverage the collective intelligence of the...
Yes, e.politics launched on July 17th of this past summer, a date so far back in time that dinosaurs roamed the Earth and Republicans ran the country. In honor of the occasion, let’s go to the numbers, Harper’s Index-style:
So, you’ve launched that blog you’ve always been dreaming of and now you want someone to actually, you know, read it. How do you build traffic to a blog, whether it’s a personal project or a site written for an organization...
Steve Rubel at Micropersuasion is widget-crazy, and he has a whole series of articles to prove it. What am I talking about? Widgets are little applications designed to be inserted into people’s start pages at Google and similar portals as well...
Post-election, back-to-our-normal-lives edition. Two events this week: Idealware is hosting an online seminar tomorrow to compare open source content management systems Joomla, Drupal, and Plone (nerd alert!), and Alan Rosenblatt’s Internet...
Hi folks, yesterday’s IDI-sponsored Blogging Bootcamp was great fun and I think we all managed to learn a thing or two before it was done. Despite my best efforts, I survived the panel discussion with Pat Cleary from the National Association...
Peter Deitz has written an overview of a promising fundraising tool on his site, First-of-its-kind. ChipIn lets activists set up fundraising campaigns without having a merchant account or going through a traditional fundraising vendor. The company...