How-to site edition. Hiding in Plain Sight. Democracy In Action’s Jason Z. talks about the extent to which readers skim and filter our information complete with a groovy eyeball route map over a typical newsletter. Link Building...
Alan Rosenblatt has a good article on Frogloop this week urging organizations not to fear hostile comments on blogs and other online forums. It’s an elaboration of his idea a few weeks ago that Google has destroyed message control, that...
Sarah DiJulio with M&R Strategic Services has some excellent tips for converting traditional offline members into online activists. Switching members from snailmail to email for many communications has the obvious advantage of lowering mailing...
2008 Candidates Search Web for Next New Thing. Writing in The Hill, Jonathan E. Kaplan gives a solid overview of social networking, YouTube and other new political tools. One nice twist measuring and rewarding supporters’ online zeal. A...
In DC this Friday, The Center for American Progress is hosting a discussion of what worked and what didn’t in the online component of the 2006 elections. The panel looks like a good cross-section of lefties Megan Matson from Mainstreet...
This month’s Wired takes a look at the Chevrolet’s attempt to promote the Tahoe by providing people the tools to make their own video ads for the SUV. Some of the results would drive a traditional marketer mad with fear: The contest ran...
Mental ones, not the icky kind (you pervs). Thomas Baekdal has put together a nice list of Seven Tricks for Viral Marketing and illustrates them with some successful viral videos (man attacks bear!) Some of his observations: make people feel...
Slate points this afternoon to a post on MyDD from shortly before the midterm election that looks at lefty bloggers’ attempts to googlebomb Republican candidates. What’s a googlebomb? A concerted effort to influence the search ranking of...
Writing in today’s Post, Sudarsan Raghavan and Nancy Trejos describe how cell phone messages and websites are wratcheting up the level of tension among civilians in Iraq. Besides distributing tips for neighborhood defense (note: put snipers on...
It occurred to me the other day that e.politics really got started eleven years ago this weekend, way back in 1995. (Remember 1995? Before the dot-com boom? Before Monica Lewinsky? Back when budget deficits were on their way out, corporate...