Author - Colin Delany

Quick Hits — December 11, 2006

Adults Just Don’t Get the Instant Message. The Seattle Post-Intelligencer writes up a poll (not the first) that shows that younger folks are using IM as a replacement for email. Response #1: Whither email advocacy? Response #2: Damn kids, get...

More Follow-Up from Roots Camp

RootsCamp has stirred up quite a discussion on the web, with dozens of sites doing follow-up articles and many participants posting notes from individual discussion groups. Want to learn more? Go to the RootsCamp DC Notes wiki.
– cpd

Blogging Spreads to Boardrooms, Newsrooms

As people realize their value as a communications tool, blogs are spreading to more and more places where they were initially resisted. At the rate things are going, the Western economy should shudder to a halt in, oh, about six months as we all...

Quick Hits — December 4, 2006

Election 2006: People Powered Politics. MoveOn lets us know what you can do if you have 3.2 million motivatived volunteers. Turns out, a lot. Via Democracy in Action. In Personal Democracy Forum, Josh Levy has three reports from this past...

Working with Local Bloggers

Hey kids, this weekend’s Roots Camp was a terrific experience — not only did I get to meet Ha-Hoa Dang and several other regular readers face to face, but I was lucky enough to sit in on a bunch of really fascinating discussions. One of...