My brief fling with Idealware has finally come to fruition together, we have given birth to a brave new article about participatory media. What are we talking about? Tools like video sharing sites, blogs, social networking sites, social media...
Adults Just Don’t Get the Instant Message. The Seattle Post-Intelligencer writes up a poll (not the first) that shows that younger folks are using IM as a replacement for email. Response #1: Whither email advocacy? Response #2: Damn kids, get...
Sorry for the publishing hiatus I’ve been finishing up an article for another website (yes, I’m cheating on you, but it’s with Idealware so it’s okay). Also, if you’re a subscriber to PoliticsOnline’s...
RootsCamp has stirred up quite a discussion on the web, with dozens of sites doing follow-up articles and many participants posting notes from individual discussion groups. Want to learn more? Go to the RootsCamp DC Notes wiki.
– cpd
As people realize their value as a communications tool, blogs are spreading to more and more places where they were initially resisted. At the rate things are going, the Western economy should shudder to a halt in, oh, about six months as we all...
Election 2006: People Powered Politics. MoveOn lets us know what you can do if you have 3.2 million motivatived volunteers. Turns out, a lot. Via Democracy in Action. In Personal Democracy Forum, Josh Levy has three reports from this past...
Today’s Post has an interesting look at Gannett’s new emphasis on the web, with local newspapers attempting to drive traffic to their websites by focusing on very local stories. The article discusses a new style of reporter, the mobile...
Hey kids, this weekend’s Roots Camp was a terrific experience not only did I get to meet Ha-Hoa Dang and several other regular readers face to face, but I was lucky enough to sit in on a bunch of really fascinating discussions. One of...
Hi folks, the CAP just posted the video of today’s presentation. I’ll be writing a summary/analysis later this weekend, but I encourage you to check out what the presenters had to say it was an excellent event.
– cpd
The George Allen “macaca” video has already become legend in the political world a captured moment that spread spontaneously around the web and helped sink the campaign of a man who’d been touted as presidential contender...