Last week, I sent an innocent messsage out to the Progressive Exchange email list, asking folks to send along examples of good advocacy sites to help with a presentation I was finishing. The response was overwhelming, with people suggesting a good...
Slate’s John Dickerson has written up his five best political moments of 2006 and the Internets are involved in three of them. Fickle blogs build up and then undercut Ned Lamont, Foley’s IM’s bring ruin upon his House, and George...
Update: A couple of readers have written in to say that I misunderstood how this one works or at least missed some significant features wouldn’t be the first time. See below. The folks behind a dead anti-spam service called Blue Frog...
Extra-long weekend catch-up edition. EVERYBODY’S writing about Time’s choice of you (i.e., Web 2.0, participatory media, etc.) as Man of the Year. Thanks for noticing, MSM guys. Welcome to the party. Advocacy Tools You Need, Like a Fish...
With the planet apparently on track to have 4 billion wireless subscribers by 2010, let’s take a second to look at the effects of the one piece of electronic equipment that will eventually reach just about everyone on Earth. In the words of...
Top YouTube Videos. Todd at The Bivings Report collects several of the best and (unlike the AP) actually shows them to us. Lonelygirl meets Macaca on a Lazy Sunday afternoon… DeLay’s Missteps Still Haunting GOP. Check out some of the...
Marketing guy Scott Smigler thinks so, based on what he sees as the poor quality of its user experience (“cheap”). According to him, the Facebook folks in contrast are constantly improving their site’s features and are much better...
Web 2.0 edition. Jaxtr Widget Lets Social Networkers Chat On Real Live Phones. TechCrunch writes up a new widget that connects your phone to your social networking profile and lets people call you through the site without you (or the caller) having...
Two interesting pieces for those of you following the Obamarama closely. First, in Beltway Blogroll, Danny Glover reprints a Heather Greenfield Tech Daily piece describing how Zephyr Teachout and John Hlinko have joined, a volunteer...
So, this manatee walks into the Internet… Burt Edwards, a man with his Finger on the Pulse, told me today about the whole Conan O’Brien/ phenomenon, something that I’d completely missed gotta start...