Author - Colin Delany

Quick Hits — January 8, 2007

Schlock and Awe: What Saddam Hussein’s Execution Video Means. From ReelPopBlog: “Absent politics, the video is brutal. With politics, the video is brutally strategic.” Five Prerequisites for Blogging Success. From ProBlogger —...

Experimenting with a Squidoo Lens

Hey guys, the folks over at Squidoo asked me to take a look at using their site, so I just finished creating a “lens” page for online political advocacy. What is Squidoo? A site that simultaneously tries to sort through the mass of...

I am SpiderMan! (Hear Me Roar)

At least, according to this little online quiz. Should I be concerned that Catwoman is the third-closest match for my personality, behind Spidey and the Green Lantern and a full step ahead of Iron Man? And me a Sabbath fan since I was 16. Happy New...

You Kids Must Be Bored

So, e.politics had a sizable bump-up in traffic yesterday, both compared with the day before and with a normal Saturday. Everybody must be trapped somewhere for the holidays, already tired of Uncle Bob’s stories and the squalling of that...

Quick Hits — December 20, 2006

I’m-trapped-in-East-Texas-for-a-week edition. Lessons from the Warner Campaign. Jerome Armstrong talks with Personal Democracy Forum — well worth checking out. Wall Street Journal whaps bloggers upside the head (apparently, most popular...