Heather Greenfield called a couple of weeks ago when she was working on this article, and National Journal’s Technology Daily has kindly given permission for me to reprint it. YouTube Boom May Mean New Jobs On Campaigns by Heather Greenfield...
My-head-is-still-on-the-slopes catch-up edition. Drudge, global warming shut down Senate site. Website fall down, go boom. A new online Capitol Hill news site launches, and Wonkette sneers sneeringly. Your PCs forecast climate future. Distributed...
Quite a few folks have been writing about the 2008 candidates online in the past week, with the bulk of the attention focusing on Hillary Clinton. Though Hotline writes about good Alexa numbers for her website, most of the coverage has been critical...
Comment spam. If you don’t run a blog or online discussion group, you’ve probably never heard of them, but spam comments (fake comments submitted en masse and intended to send traffic to a splog or other money-making site) are a real...
Hey kids, I’m outta here for a week or so heading West to plummet down powdery slopes in Park City and to cadge free drinks and catch a few flicks at the Sundance Film Festival. I’ll think of you all as I mingle with the beautiful...
Will with onNYTurf writes in with more examples of Google Maps (he did the backend work on the hospital closure map from a couple of days ago), in particular one that shows
Woo ha! The day is almost at hand…time to Cry Havoc and Loose the Dogs of Rock! Details below… [Note: the upstairs at Solly’s is fairly small, so come early to guarantee your spot on the dance floor. You can always grab a pre-show...
14 Million Online Political Activists, according to Pew Report. Micah Sifry breaks the story, the San Jose Mercury News (among many others) covers it and the Pew site has the numbers. A word of caution before we get too excited TV is still...
It’s not exactly wiki-ing the power structure in the sense that I talked about it a couple of months ago, but it’s probably a more practical approach to using a wiki to influence government policy. As Elizabeth Williamson wrote in the...
Checking my server stats today, I found a slew of referrals from searches for some combination of “Convio” and “GetActive” close to two dozen, with most coming from Google but several from Technorati, the blog search...