Author - Colin Delany

Quick Hits — February 8, 2007

Now, 100% zombie-free! (Apparently, and sadly, zombie humor is a bit too obscure for primetime.) IPDI interviews Jeff Mascott of the Adfero Group on 2006 as a breakthrough year in politics and technology, the rise of user-generated content, and...

Reading Business 2.0 for Fun and Profit

Hi y’all, I’ve gotten my first issue of a new Business 2.0 subscription (Christmas present — thanks, mom and dad) and am clearly going to get hooked on this sucker. Besides regular coverage of recent developments in the online...

Low-Cost Email List Management Options

Earlier today, I had a question about cheap/free email list management options, so I asked a big group of progressive web folks which applications they’d recommend. The results were impressively broad, and I’ve gathered them up in one...

Quick Hits — February 2, 2007

Maine considers restrictions on text messaging between lawmakers and lobbyists, no doubt in an effort to save the poor lobbyists’ thumbs. Anti-Blog Hysteria In The State Capitols. Bloggers apparently hunger for human brains (mmmmmm, delicious...

Fineman: Judging a Candidate by His Website

My old Austin buddy Chris Cosart passes along this Newsweek column by Howard Fineman, who compares Hillary and Obama’s websites and more traditional offline organizing efforts and finds Barak’s lacking. Um, yeah. The guy just decided to...

Times Up, Post Down, Newspaper Blogs Surge

Interesting Nielsen results for newspaper sites in a Huffington Post piece by Blake Fleetwood: The NY Times is well ahead of the Washington Post, something that surprises me, considering that the Times has blocked access to many stories for non...