The other thing that jumped out this weekend as I’ve been reading the reviews of presidential campaign websites is just how crazy early in the electoral process it is for so many political junkies to be producing so much analysis of the 2008...
Over the past few days, I’ve been storing up links to various reviews of presidential websites and online strategies, planning to prepare a comprehensive wrap-up of the criticism so far. The interesting thing is, I’ve become more...
Fox’s Answer to The Daily Show Ends Up on YouTube. Sounds like it may be good, if you don’t expect your comedy shows to contain actual humor. Reelpopblog psychically predicts Slate review, offers own pre-evisceration. Majority of...
Today’s Internet Advocacy Roundtable zeroed in on effective web political video, with presenters David Livingston of Capitol Hill Broadcasting Network and Dan Manatt of PoliticsTV joining organizer Alan Rosenblatt to speak before a group...
Guest article! Designer/consultant Heather Gardner-Madras, who’s built up quite the fan club in the progressive online community, has put together a list of things to think about when you’re hiring a designer for your next project. As...
Read/Write Web has put together a great collection of resources for online video, including everything from file-sharing sites such as YouTube and iFilm (and a bunch more I hadn’t heard of) to online video-editing sites, video search sites...
Last week, I got reconnected with one of the first people I met when I moved to DC ten years ago, Eric Wingerter, only to find out that the poor guy has been bitten by the blogging bug. More than that, after just six weeks, his site is already...
Those of us immersed in the online world tend to go a little ga-ga over the cutting-edge stuff — social media, social networking, RSS, viral video, etc. While these new channels for online activism are cool and all, what if you’re working...
Brian Fitzgerald of Greenpeace has written up a couple of ways his organization is using RSS and has allowed me to reprint his description here for e.politics groupies. Besides straightforward applications such as content distribution across a...
Spotlight: Hit Back Hard. Another reminder of the need for speed in the web world. “Rapid response” means just that. Campaigns brace for Web video blitz. Online video goes local, singing “Kansas City, here I come” (“Of...