Author - Colin Delany

Quick Hits — February 16, 2007

Fox’s Answer to The Daily Show Ends Up on YouTube. Sounds like it may be good, if you don’t expect your comedy shows to contain actual humor. Reelpopblog psychically predicts Slate review, offers own pre-evisceration. Majority of...

In Praise of Occasional Brochureware

Those of us immersed in the online world tend to go a little ga-ga over the cutting-edge stuff — social media, social networking, RSS, viral video, etc. While these new channels for online activism are cool and all, what if you’re working...

Quick Hits — February 11, 2007

Spotlight: Hit Back Hard. Another reminder of the need for speed in the web world. “Rapid response” means just that. Campaigns brace for Web video blitz. Online video goes local, singing “Kansas City, here I come” (“Of...