Author - Colin Delany

Using Google as a Political Tool

National Journal’s Heather Greenfield has put together an excellent article looking at Google’s use as a political tool, which Danny Glover reprinted yesterday in Beltway Blogroll. MyDD’s 2006 political Google bombing attempt got...

New Site Preview Pop-Up

Hey, I just installed a WordPress plug-in that pops up a little window to preview sites that e.politics links to. The link itself won’t call up the preview, only the little icon that follows the link, and it’s turned off for internal e...

Using Yahoo Maps to Fight Global Warming

Australian Priscilla Brice-Weller has written up another cool use of maps for advocacy purposes, in this case to encourage the transition from incandescent light bulbs to compact flourescents (which are much more energy-efficient). The Yahoo...

Quick Hits — February 26, 2007

New report: Congressional Web sites ‘disappointing’. Apparently, they’re nicely representative of the institution as well. Yet More Evidence of a Peaking Blogosphere. Ohmigod, The Hour Of Our Doom is at hand — we face a...

Quick Hits — February 22, 2007

War breaks out in Second Life! It’s all fun and games until someone nukes a Reebok store (via Slate). The (online) violence continues as the Post goes into depth about the blogger/Tauscher war (which Hotline picked up before Christmas). New...