The random byproducts of three very busy days online. Not all entirely on topic, but easily digestible nonetheless. Time reporter credits blogosphere for keeping Federal prosecutor story alive in the face of mainstream media indifference. “And...
An excellent presentation at last week’s NOI training examined the power of using your online campaign to gin up “earned media” (free media coverage as opposed to paid advertising), with Adam Green of MoveOn and Trevor Fitzgibbon...
A couple of groovy events are looming in DC’s near future and you’ll hate yourself if you miss them, I guarantee. First off, tonight is the second Tuesday of the month, a perfect time for Hank Dearden and the Capital Cabal’s Second...
Last week’s NOI online advocacy training turned out to be a real hoot and quite informative to boot. Our little Wired/Tired/Expired exercise was a hit, with participants dividing into groups to come up with their own WTE matrices for common...
Hey kids, I’ll be helping out with an online advocacy training for the next few days should come out of it with a slew of new articles.
I’m not entirely sure how this happened, though it may have had something to do with the hundred-dollar bill I stapled to the application form, but e.politics has been chosen as one of three finalists in the “Best Blog National...
DNC Launches Vote Builder. A lefty version of the voter vault? Definitely needed. And it comes as the Right tries to build its own Netroots equivalent. Two greatly contrasting takes on the power of young political activists: they’re getting...
Hey kids, the New Organizing Institute needs your brain what do you think is Wired, Tired or Expired in the use of email lists, video, blogs, websites and social networking sites for advocacy? We’ve put together a simple online survey...
…if you’re an experienced online advocacy guru. The New Organizing Institute is looking for “guest consultants” to volunteer a couple of hours to work with one of the 50+ organizations (nice Google spreadsheet, Roz) that will...
YouTube creates channel for candidates’ video. It’s just a catch-all for existing pieces, but it does make comparisons easy. And it’s gotten lots of online attention. John McCain on YouTube and Video commentary by...