Want to know how your organization/campaign matches up to the other guys, at least as far as email list performance goes? M&R Strategic Services’ Eve Fox writes in with the company’s summary and comparison of three recent email list...
So, you ever thought you had something pretty well figured out, only to have it turn around and bite you in the butt with very sharp teeth? That happened to me last Friday, when I sent out the approximately one billionth email action alert...
Three very cool online tools have come across my desk in the past few days, each of which illuminates some part of the potential of the ‘net to open the political process up in ways that we only dream of a few years ago. Democracy won’t...
I’ve-been-out-sick, gotta-catch-up-fast, quick-hits-on-steroids edition (no drug-testing in the blog world, thank god.) The guy behind the Hillary Clinton/1984 parody ad, initially anonymous, is outed as a Blue State Digital employee (oops)...
Listen to your mom: wash your hands before dinner, and don’t forget to clean your data before sending out direct mail. Mark Harris of Students for Saving Social Security, who spoke at last week’s Politics Online panel on campaigning on a...
Last week, the big dog of the Internet world jumped the fence and bounded into DC: for the first time, Google was an inescapable presence at a Politics Online Conference, with a heavy sponsorship role, two full presentations and a Google Lounge...
Guest article! The inimitable Susan Finkelpearl of Free Range Studios has written up a Politics Online panel discussion on the promise of mobile technology as a tool for campaign organizing. Pull you up a chair and chew on THIS for a little while:...
On March 16th, I moderated a Politics Online panel covering online tactics for campaigns with limited resources. Below are background materials, starting with a drive-by look at the pluses and minuses of some typically low-cost tools, continuing...
Through some bizarre miscarriage of justice, e.politics won a Golden Dot award last night as “Best Blog National Politics.” I’m as mystified as you, though I ain’t exactly complaining. Seriously, I’m happy as...
You ever shocked to learn about something that you realize maybe you should have known about before? (“What’s up with this Nirvana band are they new?”) At NOI last week, I had one of those moments when Carly Dobbins-Bucklad...